IMO Tech Training | IMO Tech Training

IMO Tech Scrum Master Course Overview

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Strengthen your existing confidence and management abilities with this comprehensive and rewarding course, and earn money simply by leading scrums. Our thorough course equips students with all of the abilities required to be a successful scrum master.
  • Security Control Assessor (SCA)
  • Control Assessor (SCA)
  • Assessor (SCA)
Upskill yourself with the world's top-rated AI &amp; ML program. Propel your career towards a better job and salary with the most sought after expertise in the current landscape: <b>Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning</b>

Future of the Scrum Master Learning


$59K-$146K /year

The average salary for a Scrum Master in US is $104,469. The average total compensation for a Scrum Master in US is $114,275.


In-Demand IT role

Scrum Master is a great career path for professionals with experience in team management


Favorable Future

Scrum Masters who have started out on their careers can acquire advanced skills and make progress to expert job roles.

About the Scrum Master Course with IMO Tech Training

The scrum master assists the team in improving and streamlining the processes that allow them to achieve their objectives. They do so as a team member or collaborator, rather than as someone in command. Because the greatest scrum teams are self-organizing, they do not respond well to top-down management. Good scrum masters uphold the scrum philosophy and its core principles while remaining adaptable and receptive to chances for the team to streamline its processes. Keeping in mind the significant need for Scrum Masters, IMO Tech provides a top-notch education for those looking to pursue this path. The students will be given the skills necessary to be a successful scrum master, supported by knowledge-checking assignments, expert sessions, and professional coaching.

Teaching Methods

During the stated period, the course will generally consist of taught lectures and laboratory-based, hands-on tasks. Students/professionals will be asked to perform additional, self-paced learning outside of the taught component of the course in order to become comfortable with the new technology. Some practical exercises will be done in a virtualized environment to allow students to use specific tools.

Week 1 - 4 Scrum Master

  • Introductions
  • The Agile Mindset
  • Agile manifesto
  • Agile principles
  • Relationship between Agile & Scrum
  • Definition of Scrum
  • Scrum Values
  • Team roles and responsibilities
  • Team Partners
  • User stories
  • Story Estimation
  • Scrum Process Overview
  • Scrum events (Backlog refinement, Sprint planning, Daily Stand up, Sprint Review, Sprint retrospective.
  • Definition of ready (DOR)
  • Definition of Done (DOD)
  • Bonus topics -
    • Jira overview
    • Agile Metrics
    • Team working agreement.

Thank you for considering IMO Tech Training as your preferred training provider and hope to see you in class!